Monthly Events
T-NEZ (Tuesday Night Empowerment Zone)
Fast & Prayer Day
Click the pictures for details
Jan Challenge

Jan.1-31, 2013
31 Day Challenge
Book Of Proverbs
Conference Call Feb. 4, 2013 @ 9pm eastern time
31 Day Challenge
Book Of Proverbs
Conference Call Feb. 4, 2013 @ 9pm eastern time
FEB Challenge

Believe it Declare it!!!
scroll down and listen to the voice clip to learn more about believe it declare it challenge
Feb 25- Mar11 We will study the book of Esther.
Believe it Declare it!!!
scroll down and listen to the voice clip to learn more about believe it declare it challenge
Feb 25- Mar11 We will study the book of Esther.
March Event Prepare! "It's Your Time To Shine"

Feb.25 - Mar.11 We will study the book of Esther.
Speaker: Amanda Sunshine Williams
God greatness lives in you. You were born to WIN!
Conference Call Monday March 11 @ 9pm eastern time
Speaker: Amanda Sunshine Williams
God greatness lives in you. You were born to WIN!
Conference Call Monday March 11 @ 9pm eastern time
Lesson "It's Your Time To Shine"
What is God preparing you for? "IT'S YOUR TIME TO SHINE"
As you read the book of Esther, think about all the events happening to you or has happened in your life.
Write down three ways those events will help other women. What did you learn from those trials? (The things you learned is your "message")
You were put here for a purpose. I believe our lives gives us clues through different events and trials. Your mess will be turned into a message.
As you read the book of Esther, think about all the events happening to you or has happened in your life.
Write down three ways those events will help other women. What did you learn from those trials? (The things you learned is your "message")
You were put here for a purpose. I believe our lives gives us clues through different events and trials. Your mess will be turned into a message.
April Bible Study
T-Nez Tuesday Night Empowerment Zone

Topic: Bumblebee Faith Philp 4:13
Speaker: Amanda Sunshine Williams
When April 9th
Conference Call 7:00-7:30pm eastern time
Speaker: Amanda Sunshine Williams
When April 9th
Conference Call 7:00-7:30pm eastern time
April Event Author Latezes Bridges

April 20th @ 11am eastern time
Amanda will be Hosting a Radio Show about Abstinence
Guest Author Latezes Bridges will elaborate on abstinence and her new book
"Single Wives"
Amanda will be Hosting a Radio Show about Abstinence
Guest Author Latezes Bridges will elaborate on abstinence and her new book
"Single Wives"
April Speaking Engagement

Amanda Sunshine Williams will be speaking at (I AM THE CHASE MINISTRIES)
"Worth The Wait"
Women's Conference.
Theme: Woman, Will Thou Be Made Holy? Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 1:13-16
Date: Saturday 4/13/13 from 2pm-6pm
Location: Radisson Hotel, 2020 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA
Learn more about
"Worth The Wait"
Women's Conference.
Theme: Woman, Will Thou Be Made Holy? Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 1:13-16
Date: Saturday 4/13/13 from 2pm-6pm
Location: Radisson Hotel, 2020 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA
Learn more about
April Tuesday Night Empowerment zone
May Challenge

(((Battle Alert))) Who's up for a CHALLENGE? How many of you are willing to go a week (one whole week) without mentioning something about the (enemy, devil, satan, negativity) in your post, text messages, and conversations (some of you will probably have to stop posting and talking all week, LOL) Who's willing to go a week without posting something draining, negative and depressing? Spend a WHOLE week (one little week) posting about God's goodness and love plus other positive and up lifting things. I just think it's sad that 90% of believers walk around sounding and acting defeated. OUR GOD IS JOY. So Who's in.... We will start Monday May 6 til Monday May 13 that's just 1 little week to speak and act positive. Carry a note book around with you anytime you say something negative jot it down along with the thoughts you were thinking at that time. Then, search out the bible concerning the matter. WHO'S IN just one little week. Can you allow ALL the glory to go towards GOD for one week? If you are in, our focus verses will be Ephesians 4:29-32, Philp 4:6, Romans 12:2, and 2Cor 10:5.... Remember it's just one week THAT'S ALL :)
MAY EVENT: Breaking Free from Jezebel

Speaker: Prophet Bwana Holmes
Date: May 13th
Time: 9:30 pm eastern & 8:30pm central
Dial-in: 605-475-4700 pin 1007063#
1Kings 19:1-9, 1Kings 21:1-28, and 2Kings 9:30-37
Date: May 13th
Time: 9:30 pm eastern & 8:30pm central
Dial-in: 605-475-4700 pin 1007063#
1Kings 19:1-9, 1Kings 21:1-28, and 2Kings 9:30-37
May Empowering Marriages for Battle Tele-Conference

Guest Speaker
Minister Latoria Martin
Date: May 18th
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Minister Latoria Martin has worked in the marriage ministry for many years. She will share her expertise and give tips about how to sustain a Happy Marriage and hurdle over the obstacles that many couples encounter.
Minister Latoria Martin
Date: May 18th
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Minister Latoria Martin has worked in the marriage ministry for many years. She will share her expertise and give tips about how to sustain a Happy Marriage and hurdle over the obstacles that many couples encounter.
May Speaking Engagement

Amanda Sunshine Williams will be speaking at
Theme: Walking In Purpose And Faith
Date: Saturday May 25th 12 noon eastern
TeleConference: 712-432-3100 pin 22680
Shareta Berry is founder of THE WOMEN WITHIN ME NETWORK
visit her site

EWFB Bible Reading Plan Starts Today:
We will study "The Armor of God" Ephesians 6:10-18.
Join Us on FACEBOOK and share your daily notes, thoughts, or insight.
Together WE Stand! Together WE Win!
We will study "The Armor of God" Ephesians 6:10-18.
Join Us on FACEBOOK and share your daily notes, thoughts, or insight.
Together WE Stand! Together WE Win!

(T-NEZ) Tuesday Night Empowerment Zone
Topic: "The Armor of God" Ep 6:10-18
When: Aug 13
Time: 9 pm eastern time 8pm central time
Teacher: Amanda Sunshine Williams
Dial-in 605-475-4700
Access code 1007063#
Topic: "The Armor of God" Ep 6:10-18
When: Aug 13
Time: 9 pm eastern time 8pm central time
Teacher: Amanda Sunshine Williams
Dial-in 605-475-4700
Access code 1007063#
Living Holy

Topic: Sanctified 1Peter 1:15-17
When: August 27 @9pm eastern / 8pm central
Dial-In: 605-475-4700
Access code: 1007063#
Focus word "Sanctified". So many people misunderstand the meaning of sanctified. I have heard many christian say Im not " sanctified" because they lack understanding of it's meaning. Many christians have that response because of what they've been taught concerning the word (sanctified). When I was younger (in the south), whenever people mentioned sanctified they were referring to long dresses and no makeup. If you saw someone wearing long dresses (all the time), they'd say they're "sanctified". . . . In the traditional churches, long dresses and no makeup meant you were holy (far from the truth). The bible says we perish from lack of knowledge. . .If you are a believer, you should have a desire to be sanctified . What is holiness? What is this misused word (sanctified) all about. . . .To be continued
When: August 27 @9pm eastern / 8pm central
Dial-In: 605-475-4700
Access code: 1007063#
Focus word "Sanctified". So many people misunderstand the meaning of sanctified. I have heard many christian say Im not " sanctified" because they lack understanding of it's meaning. Many christians have that response because of what they've been taught concerning the word (sanctified). When I was younger (in the south), whenever people mentioned sanctified they were referring to long dresses and no makeup. If you saw someone wearing long dresses (all the time), they'd say they're "sanctified". . . . In the traditional churches, long dresses and no makeup meant you were holy (far from the truth). The bible says we perish from lack of knowledge. . .If you are a believer, you should have a desire to be sanctified . What is holiness? What is this misused word (sanctified) all about. . . .To be continued