I thank God for the anointing given to Amanda Williams and the birthing of EWFB. Her ministry does exactly what it says….EMPOWERS! Amanda uses her God given gifts to teach the word of God equipping others to be empowered by the word alone. She doesn’t give you opinions nor does she feed insecurities, hindrances, and fears. Amanda encourages women to escape the victim mentality and remember who they are in Christ.
-Latoria Martin, Va
"Empowering Women For Battle has truly been a blessing in my life I love the support and encouragement that Amanda offers to women from all walks of life. It's nice to know that there are women out there who care enough to reach back and help other young women, like myself, who are earnestly pursuing Christ and righteous living. I am undoubtedly thankful for ministries like EWFB and people like Amanda. Her encouragement and her passion shows that she is truly a Woman of God who is committed to spreading the "Good News" and bringing more lost sheep into the arms of Christ."
-Portia Weeks, MS
Amanda you are truly a blessing sent from God, My Heavenly Father. It amazes me how God already have the breaks & ppl we need already lined up at the right time. You have helped me grow into the beautiful woman I am today. I know you are truly sent by God because there was some things & situations troubling me & no one knew but God, but he used you to send me comforting words, pray, & scriptures to read. Not once or twice every time something is bothering me no matter what time of day it is, God always have a ram (You) in the bush for me. I truly love you & I love what God is doing in you & for your ministry. May God continue to bless you & your ministry & I look forward to our talks every Monday!!! I never have to tell you what we need to go over because the holy spirit always reveal it to you!!!! I'm so glad God directed me to you!!! God Bless you sister ♥ ♥... You are truly an inspiration in my life & many others!!!
-LaTonia Shanae Topps, MS
"Praise God! Let the Redeemed of the Lord say So.
This is an awesome privilege to be a part of EWFB and all the wisdom and support that it entails.
Minister Amanda, THANK YOU for sharing your visions, your passions and your insights on the many issues that women face daily.
I am excited and blessed when I see the directions God is leading you in.
Continue to do GREAT & MIGHTY things in Jesus"
Much Love,
- Vernita Carter, VA
"I am so glad to be a part of EWFB. This ministry is encouraging and uplifting. The wisdom, insight, scriptures, and lessons have helped me continue to walk in victory. When I want to be down, I cant, because Im constantly being lifted. Just like Moses was able to lead Israel to victory by having his arms supported by his comrades, I too am being supported by EWFB. Thank you for keeping my arms up, can't wait to see what's next. God Bless"
- Angel Brockman, VA
"Amanda~ You've been a sound voice of reason and faith...Keep up the word"
- Margee, PA
Since joining the EWFB group, I have felt a since of belonging. As a military wife, I move around often. Even though I am married with children and school and a job, it can still get quite lonely. And besides, those things just manage to keep you busy and keep you praying for God to help you with balance. Well anyway, I had been praying to God to give me some Godly freinds, and a spiritual mentor as I continue to discover my purpose, and yield myself to be used by Him. I need some prayer warriors to have my back and help me achieve the next level. Some sisters that won't be jealous of me, but celebrate with me. Some sisters that want to be in the presence of God just as much as I do. I believe I have found that here.And in the short time since I have joined the group, we have shared some awesome and inspiring Word. I have spent time with Amanda to develop my Mission and Vision statements, as well as compose "Battle Cards" to affirm, decree, and declare some things in my life just by digging in my purse! (You'll have to join the group to find out more). I have already put those cards to use and God came by and rejuvenated me just when I needed it.
If you are like me and desire to learn more of the Lord, be inspired, and associate yourselves with some Women of God, then this group is for you! We all are excited and stand (not sit) in anticipation for a mighty move of God in all our lives!
- Christina Jackson-Davis, GA
"I have had my share of ups and downs and depending on man/woman for comfort, but September 1, 2012 changed all of that when my children came to me and said they wanted to give their lives to Christ, so with great excitement we gave our lives to Christ as a family. So I started praying and going to church more but still I felt like there was more that I could be doing so I prayed to God that I wanted to be part of something that was uplifting and powerful and that can inspire other women especially after dealing with the death of my dad...so God heard my cry and answered my prayer when my friend Amanda Williams invited me to join a group that she started Empowering Women for Battle...and I was just overly excited about this cause God knew exactly what I needed and he knew exactly who to place in my life, and on January 1,2013 we started a 31 day challenge that I will never forget and this challenge just opened my eyes, my, heart, my mind. Every week Amanda and I have a weekly discussion on different topics that will enrich my life and it has being part of this group has brought so much joy in my life that I have to tell other women. I'm doing everything that God wants me to be doing with my life and I know there is more cause he is still blessing me with opportunities. Since I have been part of this group my faith is stronger, I'm more patient and I find myself thirsty for God and studying and praying more. I handle situations different now, before I re-act I always say what would Jesus do"
- Nickie Barton, MS
I started mentoring with Amanda to gain a better relationship and understanding of Gods word. It has not been long since we have begun our sessions or being apart of her group; however, in this short time I have managed to start new traditions in my family and teach my children, especially my daughter, about the word of God! The excitement that I have felt in my spirit is like no other.
You see I was saved before I ever meet Amanda, and I had a personal relationship with the Lord also, but in the last few weeks I have become so close to him that I feel him daily in ALL that I do. I am a disabled Veteran and I used to look at my situation as though it was my punishment for past sins instead of looking at it from Gods view. He is using me to gain the knowledge and wisdom to be able to help others know that we are a living testimony! Amanda has helped me realize this. In our sessions she helps me understand the word, nothing more, nothing less! Helping me change my verbiage to know I am here, I am already that successful and virtuous women God planned for me to be. She is showing me that my past is just that, the past and I cannot live in it, but I can use and reference it when I see someone who is going through what I have already been through. I have started with the 31 day Proverbs challenge and I am finding myself reading my bible Daily, looking forward to the word of God and I also share this moment with my 11 year old daughter, so she can learn His word now and never be lost in the dark.
This woman is moving along mentoring individual women, but she is moving by her spirit. She allows God to move her, not her personal opinion, or anything of that sort, JUST God. Women like Amanda are needed in our communities so we can reach one and teach one. We should never stop praising Him. And He places mentors like herself on this earth to guide and teach, so why not grab a pen and paper, open your spirit and learn his word!
-Aysha Bellamy, NJ